Post List
- Which story did ChatGPT write?
- One stupidly simple strategy that won an A-list copywriting competition — and you can apply today
- Use Sale Emails To Sell Near-Expiry Products
- SMS Marketing: How to sell in 160 characters
- How to write copy to make people care (and sell to our 450 million year-old lizard brain)
- The Library of Things loans out everything from bread makers to ukuleles
- Pigs Might Fly and other fabulous hamfisted sayings
- Library Bats – This bat has a library card and a PHd
- The very first author whose name we have on record was a woman.
- KFC Japan : The Bald Faced Chicken Lie that Sold Japan on Christmas
- Every Christmas Eve, Iceland rides the cosy Christmas Book Flood
- Merry Christmas cards 12 times a day? The Victorian way
- When Laurel and Hardy landed in Ireland, it was a beautiful mess
- Ancient Celtic doggos – Myths, proverbs and laws
- ‘The Scream,’ the Art Heist, and the 2 Million M&M’s
- 67 essential websites for entrepreneurs, business owners and marketers
- Why am I here? The true cost of bad meetings
- How to write product categories that don’t suck in 6 steps (copy included!)
- How a murder was behind the world’s most positive slogan
- Shakespeare Monkeys : That time monkeys were funded to type the works of Shakespeare.
- Why IMHO is a word, not an acronym
- The original cubicle had a standing desk. What happened?
- The Isolator Helmet – one way to stay focused and avoid distraction
- The man who spent 20 years typing e-book after e-book by hand
- What is a Milkshake Duck and why is it 2017 word of the year
- You will probably break that New Year’s resolution between 6.34pm and 6.52pm today
- Wake up! These things you belive about sleep aren’t true
- Call anyone a 19th century pimp lately?
- Why we should treat ourselves as well as we do our mobile phones
- The Cynic’s Marketing Directory or what marketing terms really mean
- The one-sentence pitch : can you explain your startup in one sentence?
- The key to more creative brainstorming? Embarrass yourself
- Why employees are mostly training themselves
- Why Doing Mostly Nothing at Work is OK
- This confusing and tasteless billboard advertising was made possible by you
- top 15 most hilarious employee excuses for lateness you will ever hear
- Knowing me Selling me – Why we put so little value on our personal data
- Proof that Google is now officially our brain
- How to kill at meetings with WMD – Weapons of Meeting Domination
- This is how you market a tiny ginger Scottish drink
- Banned : long winded, weird company names in China
- When your business gets a terrible, no good, very bad review
- Ad or not? The weird Reddit post, VR and a McDonalds delivery
- Ick or slick marketing? Chinese restaurant offers bra size discounts
- An AI beats humans at naming craft beer
- This exercise bike only lets you Netflix and Chill if you’re working up a sweat
- 10 Surprising trends in brand buying attitudes and how and why people choose or reject your brand
- This program raised kids IQs by 10 points, improved behaviour and diet dramatically
- How to accelerate a retail giant : Target hired disruptive entrepreneurs as agitators and irritants
- Learn How to Cook Like an Azeroth Warrior in new World of Warcraft cookbook – coyote tails and spider meat, anyone?
- It’s official – The things your mother always says about the Irish Summer are true
- 6 key things a Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist looks for in Irish start-ups and developing companies
- 60 Irish start-up companies formed per day in 2016
- From “I’ve never heard of it” to “It’s too powerful” – hilarious 10 step response to innovation and invention
- The top 5 times during the day for your business to reach and sell to digital and mobile customers
- Using your Marketing Budget to specifically target Women? Don’t
- Why is Belgium-owned Budweiser Beer changing its name to America and what does a hot dog have to do with it
- Proven figures that Ireland is becoming a tech, healthcare and recruitment hub – and Irish people are returning home for it
- The password myth : Why passwords aren’t keeping us safe and can we fix our security systems
- Take business to the next level : Surefire Startup Seminars, Networking Events, Tech expos and Business Conferences
- The mind-blowing cost of kids’ birthday parties
- The typical software developer doesn’t have a computer science degree and other surprising facts
- 9 out of 10 Irish people do this every morning – some even at their desks
- From Cooking Fat to Gluten Free – 14 years of Irish Shopping and Lifestyle Trends
- These 7 things are stressing out Irish mums – and the 7 things they do about it
- Why we love stories about entrepreneurs and why all start ups need a good origin story
- Irish Scientists To Protect Us From Our Mobile Phones
- 9 out of 10 small businesses don’t know how to get help
- 200,000 people will make at least one of these big marketing mistakes
- Positively Mental – 17 year old launches a Mental Wellbeing Startup
- 8 Great Small Business and Startup Marketing Stories You don’t want to miss
- Cork puts its smart stamp on cashless payments, ticketing and health
- Ireland vs Silicon Valley – What is going on with startup funding?
- “Company selfies racist tattoo while smoking” – How to manage online reputation
- Follow these 10 commandments to protect against a data breach
- Payments Companies want you to wear them everywhere
- Love Christmas? 8,000 Metres of Christmas in Adare
- Starting a business? Great advice from Commissioner, Entrepreneur, Venture Capitalist
- What’s a merchant acquirer and how to pick the right one for your business
- What is PCI and why a payments provider need to be PCI certified
- Roundup of Law and Order on Social Media Periscope, Twitter – the tech is smarter, the criminals not
- Why email isn’t secure and 10 easy steps you can take to make it safer
- Facebook thinks I’m a single 26 year old man – what’s your Facebook personality ?
- Twitch – a gamers social network, a brave new world for marketers or Amazon’s bid for our TV future?
- Notes on Reviewing a Week Spent with the HP Chromebook 11-2000na
- Periscope, it’s just…stuff
- Payments Cards Most Likely to Succeed, class of 2015