Proof that Google is now officially our brain

Like we needed it.

People are turning to the internet for some fairly basic grown up tasks.

Google has launched a new site that visualizes which”how to…”  questions people are asking.

“how to” search is up 140% in 13 yrs. We've forgotten how to boil an egg. And tie a tie! Share on X
The most popular searches worldwide:

  1. how to tie a tie
  2. how to kiss
  3. how to get pregnant
  4. how to lose weight
  5. how to draw
  6. how to make money
  7. how to make pancakes
  8. how to write a cover letter
  9. how to make french toast
  10. how to lose belly fat

Google Trends has helpfully broken this down into regional patterns.

North Americans most need help in fixing the toilet.

Northern and Eastern Europeans are in the dark about light bulbs.

People in the former Soviet countries are brave enough to try to fix their washing machines.

Meanwhile, the most viral searches include how to make slime, how to make loom bands and how to do the cup song.

Some of the findings aren’t too surprising, like that we ask ‘how to lose weight’ every year.

And around the same time the following year.

Check out the full Google blog here.  (The love-related questions are pretty sweet)