Ick or slick marketing? Chinese restaurant offers bra size discounts

A Chinese restaurant has gotten in trouble for offering discounts based on bra size.

An A cup gets a 5% discount; a G cup nets you 65%. Share on X

The Qianjiang Evening Post reports local complaints about the above poster for the Trendy Shrimp restaurant.

One complaint said it was “vulgar advertising” and “discriminatory towards women”.

The posters have already been removed.

Trendy Shrimp general manager Lan Shenggang tells it straight from the chest.

“Once the promotion started, customer numbers rose by about 20%,” he said, adding that “some of the girls we met were very proud – they had nothing to hide”.

Customers could, however, claim their discounts from waitresses rather than waiters to “avoid embarrassment”.

So the scenario seems to go like this:

  • Create buzz, and free advertising, by offering bra size discounts
  • More well-endowed women visit the restaurants(perhaps in groups or with boyfriends who want to show them off)
  • New male customers are drawn in by the promise of a high rate of bustiness
  • profit


It’s not the first time that a restaurant in China has offered discounts based on personal appearance.

In January 2015, a restaurant in Henan rewarded diners for being “good-looking”.

A month before,  The Na Huo eatery handed out discounts to overweight men and thin women.

Their Weibo social media page claimed to care “about fat people and thin people. Bring your fat or thin friends, eat for free”.

Their concern was limited to women under  34.5kg or 5st 6lb (!)


This marketing strategy raises many questions, leaving out the obvious ick factor.

Will I get my free meal if I rattle around in a 38J bra?

(I would look ridiculous, but – you know- free food).

If a male companion sports a fine pair of moobs (male boobs), will he be entitled to a discount?

Will the customers attracted by this stunt be the ones the Trendy Shrimp restaurant wants?

And, while this may be a laugh at some hen parties, will this alienate more women than it attracts?

Ick or Slick?  You decide.


If you’re curious, the original source for the poster can be found here.